Learning Week – Grow Audience & Sustainability

The Learning Week series is an opportunity to open up to fresh ways of thinking from global audience development expert Matt Lehrman.
The Learning Week with Matt Lehrman in Glasgow

The Learning Week in Glasgow has two workshops available to help you deliver on your mission and increase your bottom line.
The Learning Week with Matt Lehrman in Dundee

The Learning Week in Dundee with Matt Lehrman is part of a three city tour. Tuesday brings a workshop that will help you deliver on your mission and increase your bottom line.
The Learning Week with Matt Lehrman in Edinburgh

The Learning Week in Edinburgh with Matt Lehrman is part of a three city tour. Wednesday brings a keynote and 1-1 surgeries.

Recruiting for a Researcher Culture Republic work with our clients and partners to identify their aims for growth. We support their vision by providing intelligence about their visitors and customers, in national and competitor context, which we translate into real marketing strategy and tactics. We are seeking to expand our vibrant team to meet the demand for results driven, practical advice. […]
November First Wednesday

Ally McAlpine from the Scottish Government joins us for this First Wednesday session to introduce the newly launched Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2016 (SIMD16) and explain how the tool works for finding deprived areas and inequality across Scotland. He will be joined by Culture Republic’s Kathryn Ellaway to show you how SIMD16 can be used by arts and culture organisations to invest in those areas that need it the most.
Getting more from Google Analytics

Day 1 of our Learn from Us Week series. Today the topic is getting better with Google Analytics. How can your business change and change again fast with these top tips.
Social Media Engagement

Get some digital skills and drills that will hopefully send shock-waves through your social media channels and set up your organisation in flashing neon lights. Has your Facebook engagement dropped? Wondering how you can better engage with your fans? Look no further, help is at hand!
Exclusive interview with Matt Lehrman, the audience expert

In the run-up to Matt’s trip across the pond next week, the audience expert shares his thoughts on his most challenging and inspirational projects and what he’s looking forward to about his visit to this side of the Atlantic. Are you looking forward to your visit to Scotland? Do you plan to visit any galleries, […]
Panel at Connecting with Audiences at #TheSpaceDay from @culture_public @NTSonline @thespacearts & @bbcarts https://t.co/3Uz5GvtDuj

Terrific new post from @ICOtweets on making your venue more accessible for D/deaf people #oneaudience
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.@EuansGuide has a nice summary of learning for audiences & artists from the Unlimited Festival #oneaudience https://t.co/RT9R6M07Rv
Follow us on TwitterEquality, Diversity and Access

At September’s #1stWed, Jodie Wilkinson, drew from her experience as Glasgow Film’s Public Engagement Coordinator and shed some light on how to pro-actively overcome equality, diversity and access challenges in the arts and culture in Scotland. Here are some of the key points from her talk. What is equality? Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals […]
“We have a lot of work to do on diversity in the arts. We know this.” @PeterBazalgette #thespaceday #oneaudience
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Check out the beautiful new film about @_NVA_’s @_hinterland_ & the Festival of Architecture #foa2016… https://t.co/r9liiAEoMX
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📮 Cheers for the share @fiddleBrain!We love to hear how people are using our resources 📮 https://t.co/C3RMKU1OXa
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Insight into #deaf audiences in @TheStage “Access should be a central part of the artistic endeavour.” #oneaudience
New #Instagram business profiles to feature contact buttons & directions via @techcrunch https://t.co/2idvCP0ThW
Follow us on TwitterWho lives in a house like this?

Accessing really good quality, reliable information about the population around your organisation or venue is not as difficult as you might think.
Less than 100 days till #xmas2016! Clever marketers should start their offers for early shoppers https://t.co/GCIP0XjqrV
Follow us on TwitterDisability Population Profile: The Essentials

On average, 1 in 5 of the Scottish population has a long-term activity limiting health issue or disability. If they can’t be counted amongst YOUR audience, then you’re missing out – and so are they. Download our PDF fact files to make sure that you have the facts at your fingertips in your work with disabled audiences.
Podcast – increasing access for socially excluded audiences

The December Culture Republic podcast looks at audiences who are experiencing social exclusion in Scotland and the arts organisations that are working to serve them. This episode features interviews with Rob Gallagher of Impact Arts and Kate Wimpress of North Edinburgh Arts.
COOL! @NatMiningMuseum created a #Minecraft game & environment that teaches kids about the realities of mining https://t.co/eZdkP0zrHe
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RT @PaulDHanrahan: Hip, hip hooray! it’s #NationalPoetryDay https://t.co/K8ZhJL74ME

Research training videos for front of house museum and gallery staff

As part of the Visual Art Scotland Pilot Project, Culture Republic are piloting an audience survey. It will allow participating organisations to compare their audiences with peers in Scotland and across the UK at the touch of a button. Because surveys will be administered by each organisations’ own Front of House staff or volunteers Culture Republic have produced this series of training videos for all participants on collection methodology and sampling.
Why #marketers often fail to make the most of automated #email & how they can do more via @Econsultancy https://t.co/RwcwNDQcN5
Follow us on TwitterPopulation Profiles

Culture Republic Population Profiles are a series of six practical fact files, designed for anyone involved in marketing, programming or producing work for Scottish audiences.
RT @A_SIMD: In deprived areas 64% ppl live near derelict sites
See @culture_public article for the basics of #SIMD and more https://t.co/igIVMlqU5b
‘The top three inches of printed materials work the hardest for you’ -Is it really the best place for your logo? #1stWeds @printmediapower
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Size DOES matter in printing. Will your design fit in the racks? Be wary of going off standard sizes. #1stWeds @printmediapower
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The next national #census could be the first to ask people about their sexuality & gender identity https://t.co/sXqZB9xzjR
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We love data & widening access! New tools and new ideas in this morning’s post #simd16 https://t.co/T5ZrYCAvxj
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Participating in the #familyartsfest? We’ve got specialist resources to help you engage with family audiences https://t.co/YDaMfKVdGr
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Older people attend the arts less than any other age group. Learn how you can change that: https://t.co/A13dKImNAL https://t.co/cYBTt6te4D

Families Population Profiles: The Essentials

There are over six hundred thousand families with children living in Scotland and many of them are looking for positive, enriching family experiences that they can share.
Interesting look at how brands are starting to use #FacebookReactions to inform #marketing campaigns https://t.co/ALWOVAOFGe via @Digiday
Follow us on TwitterWorking with Glasgow Film Theatre

Glasgow Film Theatre is doing a great job of making themselves more accessible to a wide range of audiences. We worked with them to evaluate the success and reach of their existing access and equalities measures and to scope further audience groups with potential for increased engagement.
Exciting new developments w @1984_collective! Check out our profile of their audience changes in their new location https://t.co/8gf07QrD1V
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Handy all-in-one guides to make the most of your visual assets across social platforms via @socialmediaweek https://t.co/4XYfocthVr
Follow us on TwitterWe’re on Facebook!

Here are some top tips that we’ve found useful on Facebook so far #sharingiscaring 😄
Results from the Scottish Household Survey consultation were launched today by @ScotStat. Changes to come in 2018 https://t.co/CHNiijQ1FX
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Bet there are lots of great artsy opportunities to highlight between #Glasgow & #Edinburgh for the Great City Swap! https://t.co/L3uV6gmPE9
Follow us on TwitterHow Relevant is My Arts Organisation? Take this self test!

The words vary, but the core of the question is: “Who cares about the kind of work we do?” Matt Lehrman’s self quiz will help arts organisations explore their own relevance.
Looking for #mentoring? Check out both @CEOScotland & @FedScotTheatre programmes. https://t.co/NN9SAmY3Ml & https://t.co/KXpdHG2iNu
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Some terrific advice from @TheStage about generating a warm welcome & community feeling in the front of house… https://t.co/GENXCMXSKn
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We’re on #Facebook https://t.co/R89t6HbeTr We’ve got top tips on Facebook #sharingiscaring. More to follow shortly… #socialmediatips
Follow us on TwitterAudience Engagement Trends video
Culture Republic was invited to head up a session at The Space Day on Understanding Audiences. Watch Board Member Colan Mehaffey’s talk in our video from the day.
Deprivation Population Profile: The Essentials

Deprivation happens when people or places face a series of problems including unemployment, poor education, low income, poor housing, high crime or ill health. These PDF fact files are designed to help you understand and connect with socially excluded audiences in Scotland.
RT @edinburghpaper: Licensing board votes to relax noise test for live music https://t.co/DesWARq0xy https://t.co/qfSI0mh35V

Mapping Scotland’s Audiences
We’ve combined data from the Scottish Household Survey, Scotland Census and TGI Surveys to create an interactive map that reveals at a glance the differences in demography and cultural engagement across Scotland’s 32 Local Authority areas.
Our favourite stat so far from @scotgov‘s #SHHS: Level of cultural engagement has increased by about 5% since 2007… https://t.co/RV9UJoKCGx
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RT @HanJMWright: @culture_public @FloraidhCC no problem! Hope to attend another workshop soon – your email marketing 1st Wednesday has been SO helpful!
Follow us on TwitterCulture Republic Podcasts

The Culture Republic podcast brings you the voices of the learning and engagement professionals, marketers and artistic directors who are building meaningful connections with audiences across the country.
Location, Location, Location

The Collective Gallery’s move has transformed their audience profile, drawing in brand new audience segments and driving a vast increase in the overall visitor numbers.
People working in Scotland’s arts sector should fill in @CreativeScots survey on diversity in the arts #oneaudience https://t.co/58hqUQ1IQF
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Useful & informative guide from @WYPlayhouse on staging #dementiafriendly performances https://t.co/ODbGVgOqZU #oneaudience
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#VR & #AR can be put to use in both storytelling and design. See how @NationalTheatre is experimenting https://t.co/1eIKpvoCPf
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New research from @regional_screen shows impact of local cinema to community & culture. https://t.co/n8Scqkueu1 https://t.co/ejsFEFTpVx

Impacts of non-traditional performance spaces at the Playhouse

Last year Edinburgh Playhouse started using their The Boards restaurant area as a regular Fringe venue during the festival. We worked with them to identify what impact this had.The research showed that it is possible to attract an entirely new audience for events.
Comments and shares on #Facebook will boost EdgeRank (Facebook’s algorithm for news feeds) more than likes https://t.co/vkiBTFKxJE
Follow us on TwitterA Budget for NOT MORE OF THE SAME

A blog on organisational change by Matt Lehrman, reproduced by kind permission. Matt reflects on how an arts organisation resists the “more of the same” mentality.
RT @clairg: Underbelly plans to launch 650-seat temporary theatre in West End https://t.co/AUpJxxunfD via @TheStage
Follow us on TwitterModel of Audience Engagement

The biggest mistake you can make is to think of that audience as a single entity. They don’t share the same motivations, preferences or priorities.
Here’s one that we love to #NationalPoetryDay
Scotland by Hugh MacDiarmid
https://t.co/Mb9pylQO5s https://t.co/1dpqDkc7hq

Racial and ethnic diversity in Scotland’s arts audiences

March’s Culture Republic podcast looks at how the arts are connecting with Scotland’s racially and ethnically diverse communities. In this episode we speak with Barrowland Ballet, Glasgow Women’s Library and Bemis.